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The RU300

Updated: Jun 10

What is RU300? A weekly Resilience Unlimited newsletter published on Monday that is 300 words or less with 4 points by Chaplain (MAJ) Ret. Paul Lynn from Trekk Unlimited, The Resilient Solutions Training Company.

RU300 - Resilience Unlimited Newsletter

Resilient Quote

"I have done many things in my life that conflicted with the great aims I had set for myself--and something has always set me on the true path again." -- Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Oak and the Calf (New York: Harper & Row, 1980), p. 111

Resilient Reflection

In my book, Resilience Unlimited, How to Always Find Your Best Path, I cite David J. Linden, a Neuroscientist from John Hopkins University, "Rather than merely reacting to the external world the brain spends much of it's time and energy actively making predictions about the future ... They can't be turned off through mere force of will. And because our brains are organized to predict the near future, it presupposes that there will, in fact, be a near future." -- David Linden, A Neuroscientist Prepares for Death, Lessons My Terminal Cancer Has Taught me about the Mind, Atlantic, December 2021.

What I say about this and other research in my book helps us understand that we are naturally a pathfinder. It's not a badge you earn, we're wired this way. What I help you do in the book is harness the elements necessary to more quickly always find your best path. This is my definition of resilience, how to always find your best path.

Resilience in the News

Europeans Have More Time, Americans Have More Money. Which is Better? 

Resilience Vocabulary Word

In my book, I quote the Philosopher Martin Heidegger who utilizes the German word, Vorlaufan, which means "always running ahead."



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