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Resounding Reception of Resilience Unlimited: What's Happening? It Keeps Coming...5.8.24 Newsletter.

I have had such incredible feedback about the impact of the message and training of Resilience Unlimited, How to Always Find Your Best Path. One man told me, "I'm buying 40 books to hand out to my friends. I need this right now!" Another told me, "This should be on the book shelf of every store in the VA Hospitals." After I speak, many men are approaching me, saying how much this message helped them.

Over the last few weeks I've spoken to about 200 men in different contexts.

  • The first was at the Pennsylvania Adult and Teen Challenge It is more than an addiction recovery center. It's a place of hope. My message of resilience unlimited found a new home in many hearts and minds.

  • The second place was at a Men's Breakfast at Christian Life Assembly

On another occasion I spent a full day training two pastors on the Resilience Unlimited model at the University of Valley Forge in the Stroms Research Center Ben Grenier who is the Dean of the PennDel School of Ministry said this about the training, "I have attended several resilience trainings over the past eight years as a police chaplain, and Pastor Paul Lynn’s resilience training and book stand out as exceptional."

  • I will be back in Alaska this week with my Training Partner, Wil Owens, of Trekk Unlimited LLC as we train 30 U.S. Army Chaplains and Religious Affairs Specialists/NCOs.

  • In September I will be in Springfield, MO to train a Best Practice Model of Family Resilience to Chaplains at the Assembly of God National Chaplains Conference.

  • I am currently enjoying teaching a Graduate Class for the M.A. in Military Chaplaincy called, Ministry with Families at the Institute of Lutheran Theology.

  • This Fall I am teaching another course at the Trinity Bible College Graduate School for an M.A. in Chaplaincy titled, "Principles of Counseling."

  • Another opportunity is opening up to train Resilience Unlimited at Messiah University as it expressed a strong interest to me about the topic of resilience for it's students.

  • Contact me to speak at your Men's Group or Organization at Many thanks for the invites, Jamie Holden of Mantour Ministry and David Richards of Christian Life Assembly.

Resilience Unlmited is a U.S. Army Building Strong and Ready Teams authorized curriculum.

  • If you are a Chaplain, Therapist, Leader of a Business or Non-profit, my team and I want to train your team how to reach unlimited resilience. Send me an email at

Checkout our full website, purchase my book and field manual.

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