Resilient Quote: "His delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night...He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in it's season, and it's leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers." Psalm 1:2-3.
Resilient News Article: What provides conditions-based resilience? Rooted in Relationships, Community, and Religion...This excerpt below is from I found this research from Dr. Jonathan Haidt, Professor at NYU, et. al, here: "The Global Loss of the U-Shaped Curve of Happiness." Spoiler alert: part of it is due to the loss of the rootedness of religion in society.
3. Resilient Point from my book Resilience Unlimited, How to Always Find Your Best Path. Dr. Lisa Miller of Columbia University, author of the Awakened Brain provided this data to U.S. Army Chaplains during the Spiritual Readiness Initiatives (SRI), "A person who has a developed spiritual core, someone who is regularly practicing religion, is 80 less like to become addicted, has 70% protective factor agains risk-taking, 60% less like to be depressed, and 50% to over 80% less likely to commit suicide." With an understanding of resilience from statistics like this, it's time for a new health revolution by encouraging spiritual growth in clients and the public. [More than I.Q, and E.Q] Spiritual Intelligence (S.I.) should lead the way. This is a reflection from pages 68-69.
4. Resilient Vocabulary Word(s). Here are four Latin words for this week: Oratio, meaning "prayer." Meditatio, meaning "meditation." Contemplatio, meaning "contemplation." Lectio Divina, meaning spiritual reading. Spiritual reading is a type of prayer that incorporates Oratio, Meditatio, and Contemplatio. Explore how to do it here in this short article:
To order a copy of my book, Resilience Unlimited, click here from the publisher: Or, here from Amazon:
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If you are a U.S. Army Chaplain, The Resilience Unlimited Curriculum (Field Manual, Pathfinder Resilience Tool--Meaning Map, and PowerPoint slides) is an approved Building Strong and Ready Teams (BSRT) curriculum for use of training Certification of Chaplains to train Soldiers. It is nested with FM 7-22 and also utilizes an attachment-based suicide prevention strategy. For more information on this contact, Chaplain Lynn at