Happy Independence Day Week!
Resilient Quote. "If anything is worth doing, it's worth doing badly," by G.K. Chesterton from his book, What's Wrong with the World. How did this quote come to me? I'm leading an on-line Pathfinder Resilience Group (PRG) and it can feel intimidating to fill out the Pathfinder Resilience Tool (PRT). Who am I? Who do I belong? What is my purpose? How do I reach my goals through values-driven routines? Targeting your future feels intimidating when you first start. Most people don't think about their future. "53 percent of Americans say they rarely or never think about something that might happen, or something they personally might do, at least 30 years from the present. Only 10 percent think about the far future every day (5 percent) or several times a week (5 percent)." This research is found here: https://legacy.iftf.org/future-now/article-detail/survey-finds-majority-of-americans-dont-think-about-the-future/. Strong Resilience necessitates thinking about the future.
Resilient New Article. "How To Use Food To Improve Your Mood, Overcome Anxiety and Protect Your Memory with Dr Georgia Ede (a Harvard trained Psychiatrist)", https://drchatterjee.com/how-to-use-food-to-improve-your-mood-overcome-anxiety-and-protect-your-memory-with-dr-georgia-ede/ June 26, 2024. This article comes from Dr. Rangan Chatterjee's Podcast and Blog, "Be the Architect of Your Health and Happiness." I listened to this particular podcast at least three times. It's excellent. I also just bought her book.
Resilient Point. From my book, Resilience Unlimited, How to Always Find Your Best Path. https://a.co/d/0dB3mosH "A definition of resilience comes from the neuropsychologist Theo Psousides, 'Authenticity is acting according to one's true self and behaving congruently with values, beliefs, and personality dispositions'". This definition is taken from his article in Psychology Today that was accessed on August 10, 2023, titled "What It Really Means to Be Authentic: In the End There is Only One Answer."
Resilient Vocabulary Word. Azimuth. Taken from Army Manual FM 3-26
I use the word "azimuth" in my book to help people understand that drawing a line to your future helps you to stay on your desired course. All of us should conduct a "Daily Azimuth Check" to ensure we are still on track to the direction we desire. I could say it to you like this, "Shoot an azimuth to your future, looking at your horizon, using your meaning map--the Pathfinder Resilience Tool." Your goal is to authentically align your life purpose, belonging, values-driven routines, guided by your spiritual intelligence toward your horizon of hope.
Resilience Unlimited is a an approved U.S. Army Building Strong and Ready Teams (BSRT) curriculum https://bsrt.army.mil/. If you are a Chaplain, Leader, or Therapist, and would like more information about training, please email me at paul@trekkunlimited.com.
Read about resilience in my book found at Amazon https://a.co/d/2j6yTYYÂ and all other major book sellers. If you purchase it from Amazon, please give me a rating!